Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, April 24, 2006

Today's discovery

I just got out of the shower and plunked myself down on the toilet seat to clip my toe nails.


I can't pull my leg up far enough to reach my toes anymore.

Tomek was in the shower and heard me wail, Oh no!!

What's up?

I can't clip my toenails anymore!

To which, he valiantly replied, That's okay, bibi. I'll do that for you.

Now that's love.


Anonymous said...

maybe hell shave your legs too. amy told me she wants me too. you know one day. if we ever get preggers.

Krista said...

hmm, yeah, I hadn't thought about my legs. But with the coming summer, I'll definitely need that done. My own personal groomer, I like it. :)

moi said...

phx, you might want to add 'shoulder rubber' to the list of tasks your personal groomer will perform.

I've always wanted one of those... a shoulder rubber, that is.

goblinbox said...


shenry said...

To me, this is weird. But I have psychological issues with nails and cuticles, so my squeamishness is my own doing, not yours.