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Friday, April 21, 2006

Locked out

This morning I arrived at work only to discover that the lock on the office door was changed, and I hadn't received a new key.

Reminiscent of the days before I was granted full-on emplyeeship, I stood out in the hall by the door, waiting for someone with a key to come so I could get in. I had to wait about 15 minutes, then the pres appeared from around the corner.

P: ah, there she is.
Phx: good morning.
P: are you always here this early?
Phx: yep.
P: you don't have a key?
Phx: not a new one.
P: you should have a new key. I wonder why the #3 did not give you one…

I realized that the lock change probably occurred yesterday and I was just not notified. I had noticed yesterday that the #3 was in the office with the landlord discussing something about someone entering the office on Sunday and not turning the alarm off. I guess they are considering it a break-in.

I went to #3's office this morning to request a new key, and he said the pres had made a very small list of people who will be given keys to the office and he couldn't give me one. I'm not on the list. I felt outraged. I am here early every morning because I either leave home early to avoid bad rush hour traffic, or because I carpool with Tomek and he starts work an hour before me, so I'm dropped off at work an hour before my work starts. I never come in on the weekends or any time not just before work.

I did some further poking around and found out that 3 others are not receiving new keys either. 2 of them have been working for the VP for over 25 years.

Something isn't quite right about this—the fourth person who isn't receiving a key suspects that #3 is using the president as a scapegoat and it's not really the pres who made the teeny weenie list of who gets a new key and who doesn't. I mean, I kind of feel like I'm suspect because I'm no longer allowed a key. Furthermore, what #3 told me doesn't jive with what the pres said to me this morning.

And #3 just came in and asked to see the rep I share an office with in his office. She came back with a new key. Why not just hand her a new key? Why drag her down the hall, and surreptitiously give her a new key where no one else (ie ME) can see?

So this afternoon I'm going to ask the pres if it would be possible for me to get a new key because I am here so early every morning because of carpooling. We shall see… if this is another one of #3's little snitty mood swings… grr.


goblinbox said...

Definitely go straight to the top on this one. Not having a key is just stupid.

Office politics. UGH.

Krista said...

I went straight to the top... and got a key. :D Yessss...

The pres even apologized to me and said it was his fault I hadn't received one, because he'd forgotten to put my name on the list.