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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Lamp lighter

I wrote a poem of sorts yesterday. But then blogger lost it. I tried to resurrect it, but it's not quite there. Better than nothing though. Perhaps this is a re-emergence of my creativity? At last?

Re-emergence of creativity... *mischevious grin aimed at ghost* reminds me of turtle head pokin' through.


Starling said...

(lol, ew!!) and congrats on finding your creative spark once more! fickle creatures they are.. like fairys darting in, dazzling, and flying away, hehe :)

Anonymous said...

uhm...phx..i dont know if you figured this out from the context of the comments from my post but turtle head poking is a not so classy way of saying they needed to go to the bathroom. hopefully your creativity comes spilling out of you, but i dont wanna liken it to someone sitting on the porcelain throne. ::chuckles::

Krista said...

iri: fickle indeed! and on hiatus much too often!

ghost: yes, I realize that... I was trying to be funny. The word re-emergence reminded me of that post of yours, so I had to link. :)

Anonymous said...

::belly laugh:: reemrgence...nice.