Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Some days, work is empowering. Today is one of those days--I am in charge of certain statistical reports, and quarterly reports are due. This equals a very busy but very satisfied Phx. Stats are important, they mean something--gauging the success of our products vs. their competitors and subsequently, our company vs our competitors. No label-making, filing, paper folding bullshit today, no siree.

And tonight, on LB's 6 month pre-birthday day, Tomek and I are meeting with an honest-to-goodness mortgage specialist to see what kind of mortgage we can be approved for. The wheels are turning, we are powering forward into so many new experiences, and it's damn exciting.

Hooray for us!


Anonymous said...

hehe...good for you

Madamme said...

Congrats on meeting with the bank re: mortgage. I think you're going to love getting settled into your own place.

Right now, my house is my biggest source of pride.

I hope you'll find a place that you'll love.