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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Belly update


Along with all those gooey pastries--lemon filled or apple or cinnamon buns!!!!!!!! I resisted going and buying a truckload of danishes last night and now I'm fighting the almost impossible-to-resist urge to go across the street to get myself a STARBUCKS VANILLA BEAN BLENDED CREMEBECAUSEIWANTITNOW. Guh. My stomach is in command.

Add to this that I walk by not one, but TWO starbucks during the 5 minute walk to my car. The horror, the agony.... will I resist? Can I resist?

WHY am I resisting? To try not to fuel any more binges of the chocolate-jellybean-icecream variety. But I gotta admit, Dooce's dog has given me one massive craving for some melty ice cream... cookies and creame.... aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...


Anonymous said...

ive got a project or two that might help keep you busy. involves some pens and some sheets of paper.

moi said...

...listen to your tummy phx, smetimes you just need to listen to your tummy.

Madamme said...

I agree with Moi. . . Denying your cravings in lieu of healthy food might make you resentful. It makes ME resentful. . . .

Anonymous said...

give in,phx. give in. hows this for peer pressure?

goblinbox said...

Starbucks wants your money, honey, just go on and give it to them or they won't stop bombarding you with mind waves!

Krista said...

I gave in... siiigh... but it was sooooo gooooooood.

shenry said...

You pass two Starbucks simply walking to your car! Two Starbucks that close to each other have to infringe on each other's customer base... or not? I'm not a business annalist so I don't know.

supertomek said...

hehe - there's this one corner in our fair city, not around where phx werx, where there's two starbuck's. on one corner :)
remember that simpsons episode where all the stores were becoming starbuck's? that's not a fictional story :)