Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Who knows how far a simple touch can go?

Last night I didn't wake up when you kissed me hello. I woke up at midnight, but didn't realize you were home until I heard you walking towards me. You came to bed then, and I asked for your side of the bed. When the alarm clock went off, it was your hands gently stroking my hair back from my face, your kisses on my shoulders, neck and forehead that brought me into the morning.

It was a beautiful way to wake up.

The inexplicable sadness a lonely night fades fast in the warmth of love.


Anonymous said...

wow. i feel almost like im seeing something i shouldnt here.

Mindy said...

That IS a beautiful way to wake up. Sometimes (more often than not) I go to sleep before the Pear and I'm irritated because he wants to stay up and watch tv instead of going to bed with me. But then I wake up in the night sometime because he is holding me to him so tight I can barely breathe and I think, how could I have ever been mad?