Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, March 10, 2006

The third shit came from behind

Muthafucka snucka upa on me. I was trying to drive to this store to buy another one of those figures I got for my mom but that broke when I mailed it--I coulda cut through downtown, gone over a bridge and headed east a bit to the store, or I coulda gone west towards home (much faster than trying to cut through downtown), over a bridge and west a bit to get to the store. I headed towards home because I knew it was going to be faster, talking to Tomek on the phone the entire time, then I got on the onramp to go on the highway over the bridge to the store and the highway was all backed up. So then the cursing began because, really, westbound traffic is going against rush hour. Or so it should. But no. And this on ramp was one of those fucked up on ramps that also turns into an off ramp so if you aren't feeling merge-savvy you can't just butt in and wave a ditzy thanks, noooooooooooooooo your ass gets shunted right the fuck off the highway again. So I was trying to merge and trying to merge and this fucknut in a red jeep was riding my ass hardcore and actually honked at me because obviously he was some dumb fuck actually using the on ramp as the off ramp. So I couldn't slow down enough to merge because he was riding my ass and I really didn't feeling like letting him anally rape my car, so instead I floored it. And because I'm not cool enough to drive a vw stick like shenry, my little car's rpms went up and up and up till the tachometer (damn word, 1 letter away from being a taco-meter) was showing over 6000 rpms. Oops. So I went off the highway and so did the shit in the jeep and I went right and he went left. And then I went home and ate entirely too much ice cream. And I dug all the melty caramel out of it and left the plain old vanilla. And then, because my body doesn't like milk products, I had to take a crap. While talking to Tomek who I hung up on when I was getting almost ass-raped, and had called him back to apologize. I told him how the stress seems to just build up so fast and then I get these pains in my abdomen and flip out... and I said

"you aren't going to want me to have any more kids if you have to go through this every time"

and he said,

"Naw, it's ok. I'm sure its much harder on you than it is on me."

All together now, aaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. He is just the most amazingly wonderfully considerate sensitive patient guy ever imaginable. I can't believe he married me, really. I'm such a spaz.

So I was pooping and chatting to him and he said his buddy Shaine had called him and was hoping they could meet up for drinks at the Rugby Club tonight. But Tomek was going to work at his side job tonight so he called me and said he didn't know if he should go work or go hang out with Shaine, so I said it would be good if he went to the job because he didn't last night, and then maybe he could hang out with Shaine afterwards, and he should find out where exactly the Rugby Club is. So he called Shaine back while I finished poopieing, and then when he called back again, I answered "unnnnnnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *gasp* hello?" Yes it sounds gross and very unladylike but it was worth it because I knew I'd get a good laugh out of him answering the phone that way. And I did. *grin* Hearing him laugh is one of the greatest sources of joy for me... pretty much the greatest.

So he's decided to work at the job a little bit and then he's going to head over to Shaine's and they are going to hang out there. I am invited along, but I'm not sure if I should go because everytime he goes there they smoke up. I hope they wouldn't in my presence. But I don't want to be a damper on the evening either. *sigh*

And I'm supposed to ship this order of maps tonight and the shipping place is only open from 7-9 but to get the maps and the box to ship them in I have to dig everything out of my trunk which is like 400 pounds of maps and I really shouldn't do that so I was hoping Tomek would be home in time to help me with that, so he's hoping he can finish work early enough to come home, help me get the maps, ship them and then we'd go to Shaine's together. But if not, I'll just ship them on Monday. that means the guy won't get them till the week after next week but whatever. i'm not going to strain myself over it. It's not a busy season for him, so fuckit.

Ugh. I can't believe I ate that much ice cream...

Kocham cie kochanie!!!! :* mwuaaaaaa!!!!

1 comment:

supertomek said...

ja Ciebie tez kocham Sloneczko :)