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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Rants and pics

I wanted to blog tonight about religion, and how much it is mocked and negated and attacked these days... because it really pisses me off. My anger flared up again after reading this article, about Isaac Hayes quitting South Park:

There is a place in this world for satire, but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry towards religious beliefs of others begins. Religious beliefs are sacred to people, and at all times should be respected and honored. As a civil rights activist of the past 40 years, I cannot support a show that disrespects those beliefs and practices.

The article goes on to quote the producers of the show, claiming that Hayes just wants special treatment for his religion, and in their view, wanting a different standard for one particular religion is where bigotry and intolerance begin.

Come again?

The guy has strong religious beliefs, of course he is going to react more strongly to insults to his own religion than to those of others. I'm the same way, even though a particular religion is no longer my own. I'd like to think Hayes has the beliefs of all other religions in mind when he spoke, but who knows really. All I know is is that I'm so tired of religions being mocked and openly thrashed, whereas if one little peep or action is said against homosexuality, it's a big fucking deal.

Personally, I think religion deserves just as much, if not more respect than sexual preference.

Now, stepping down from that creaking soap box, it's picture time. It's also 9pm and Tomek is still at work, so I can't write about anything heavy anymore or my moodswings will swing to an all-time loooooooooooooow:

The wee hours of February 5th, back in our apartment after the wedding (Tomek's a lil drunk and Phx couldn't get her shoes off fast enough):
The next day, we opened PRESENTS!:
Fun with bows.... yes, he's the most patient guy I know:Okay, I guess the pink bows were going a little too far:Tomek brought me the hugest bouquet of flowers I've ever seen for International Women's Day:And because I'm sure you can't get enough of my swelling belly, here is a shot of how my formerly cute innie button is stretching out as it prepares to morph into an outtie.


Madamme said...

South Park also did an episode about Big Gal Al and Stan's faggot dog. No one rose up in protest regarding that show, no one quit over it - You didn't hear gays complaining about how they are mistreated and misrepresented.

I am just pointing out that South Park pokes fun at basically every sensitive topic out there - Including sexual preference. They also poked fun of Christianity and had Jesus get into a fight with the devil in a boxing ring. . . . . So, your statement regarding making sexual preference a "big fucking deal" is a bit bunk.

The biggest deal (In regards to South Park) so far has been over the Scientology episode, what with Tom Cruise trying to prevent it from being shown, and now with Isaac Hayes quitting.

Of course you're going to be upset over it because it is insulting your religion - But I happen to agree with the creators of the show - They do poke fun at everything (Including Jews) and if they just leave one religion alone, they are "picking favourites".

But of course, this is from my liberal, non-religious point of view.

Madamme said...

Sorry - "Big Gay Al" -

Anonymous said...

i hear what you are saying, but here's the thing i have against issac hayes and this situation is that he was part of it while they raped everyone elses beliefs until they bent his over the couch. now hes all up in arms about it? hes a hypocrit in my opinion.

moi said...

i have to agree with ghost on this one... it's okay to make fun of everyone else but when it hits close to home to you suddenly it's not so funny??

so does your bellybutton just morph into an outtie as you get more pregnant?? how exciting! i'd be touching it all the time.

Anonymous said...

yeah, moi. its kinda like one of those little pop up things you stick to a turkey to tell you when its done cooking. im pretty sure pregnant womens belly knots are where they got the idea for those.