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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Me on the inside


Anonymous said...

rawr. . .

deep breaths, phx.

and maybe some dental floss. . . .

shenry said...

so what you're saying is that you're furry on the inside?

moi said...

you have a much nicer smile, phx!!

Anonymous said...

ill send the muse your way when shes had her way with me. and i like bears.

Madamme said...

What has brought out the Mama Bear in you?

Krista said...

Kat-thanks for the giggle. :)

Shenry-fuzzy, yes, and also wanting to rip everyone around here apart.

moi, ghost-thanks... hope that muse gets here soon.

phoe-frustration at work, in a nutshell. each day it gets harder to sit here and do filing, label-making, sorting, inventory counting... my job has been reduced to beyond stupid. I know I need to stay here as long as I can for the $ but I really don't want to. And the mood swings have everyone pissing me off.