Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, March 13, 2006

Knock knock. Who's there? Your demons. Oh shit.

Anyone ever feel they had unfinished business towards someone or sometwo who'd done them wrong? I have. I do. Most of the time it's all swept safely under the carpet... but today, feeling horribly like my head is going to spontaneously combust, the mind wandereth and some big fat demons have come a calling.

I want to feel nothing towards them. Nothing. But I can't. I want to slam them, rip them 4,565, 674,321,575,113 new assholes, each, respectively, and make. them. see. how much they were wrong, they are stupid fucking undeserving pricks, ignorant bigots, devil-spawned cretins. But I won't.


Anonymous said...

may i ask who?

moi said...

gads, phx, who treated you this badly? i'll come and beat them up.

Krista said...

long stories, fit for email methinks.