Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Excerpt from last night

5:30 am.

Phx, suddenly waking up and thrashing: "Ow ow oh my god oooooooowwww!!!"

Tomek, suddenly bolt up right: "What, what is it bibi? What's going on?"

Phx, clutching right calf: "<insert long string of very strong expletives>!!!"

Tomek, "Are you ok?! What's happening? Sweetie?"

Phx: "I think… it's a Charlie horse"

Tomek sprang into action, clearing the tangle of blankets from my leg, stretching it straight out and slowly pushing the top of my foot back toward me. "You have to do this, bibi, ok? Stretch out the muscle."

Phx: "<more expletives>… I was having a really bad dream. I went to Russia to visit your brother. When I got there, I decided to go shopping for souveniers so I went driving around through this really rural area, small winding roads with fields, and I couldn't find anywhere to shop, so I stopped on the side of the road when I saw these three farmer types. They were Spanish, so the dream must have moved to Spain. They were smoking the most ginormous doobies. I asked them where I could go shopping and they pointed straight ahead. And there was a mall/market place. I thanked them and went there. Then I got there and realized I didn't know how to get back to Dan's. So I went to the cashier and got change for the pay phone to call him, and then I realized I didn't have anyone's phone number. But then you came to find me. And then the Spanish farmers were after me, wanting to do something to me… so we were in your car going down all these windy farm roads trying to lose them, but I think we ended up stopping where they lived because we couldn't out drive them, and then we were on foot, hiding from them. One of them came out to your car to do something to it so we couldn't escape, but instead of slashing your tires, he reached in your car and turned on your headlights…."


Anonymous said...

as a former soccer player im all too familiar with the ol charlie horse. nothing says "hey dummy, i need more potassium" than a cramp like that. heres the deal. youre gonna have a lot of those. tomek needs to sharpen up his message skills, eh?

did i use that right?

Krista said...

that you did! i'm impressed! :) and yes his massage skills are getting quite the work out, between my fuzzy legs at night and that @#$@#$@#@^^& charlie horse. he's very good at gentle massages, too. He coats my stretchy bits in cocoa butter every night. :) such a good lil hubby.

Anonymous said...

rock on. im practically canadian.

shenry said...

Man, I'm glad Silver doesn't read your blog. She might leave me to find somebody like Tomek.

moi said...

ghost, you need to say 'eh' a whole heck of a lot more, eh?

phx, i get terrible leg cramps. the very first night D slept over at my place i had a terrible cramp and woke up screaming bloody murder. D thought I was being attacked... and sprung out of bed like a knight. kind of funny, 6 years later!

Krista said...

ghost: that you are... a canadiexan? or a texadian? your choice. :)

shenry: In his speech at our wedding reception, the best man said that Tomek's and my affection for each other borders on "disgusting". It's just how we've been with each other since we met--prior to that I'd never felt like displaying mass amounts of affection toward a bf.

Interesting to think about really--how we morph depending on what kind of person we are in a relationship with.

moi: yeah, men CAN be great, can't they? ;)

Madamme said...

You're a lucky girl. Rally gets pissed off now when I wake him up screaming because I can't feel my arms. That joke got old fast.

Tomek could teach Rally some stuff, I think.