Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

3 days left

And things are coming together nicely. I am thoroughly impressed with myself at how not stressed I am. I've refused to feel stressed, at it's working.

Last weekend was a blast. It should have been filled with wedding preparations, but all the weekd prior I'd been in touch with Tomek's best man, seeing how he'd feel about pulling off a last-minute stag party this past Friday night. He was game, and we set about getting names and numbers of guys. I was in super-stealth mode all week, sneaking Tomek's phone when he was napping, collecting phone numbers out of it, calling his best man whenever he wasn't around, arranging stuff... it was fun, but I'm not meant to be sneaky!

I had one close call midweek. I received an email from my middle brother and in it he tried to spell Tomek's last name. He almost got it, but the pronounciation of what he did write was hilarious. I showed Tomek and then said, "You know, [best man's name] has trouble pronouncing your name, too."

Dead silence. Shit shit shit!

Then Tomek asked, "Your [best man's name] or my [best man's name]?"

Saved! See, my youngest brother and the best man have the same name, so I said, "Mine. In fact, none of my family can pronounce your last name. Ha."

And he didn't catch on. WHEW!

Thursday night rolled around and the best man still hadn't confirmed with Tomek that they'd meet up and hang out on Friday night. Then when he did call, they didn't confirm a time or day. So I stuck my nose in.

Me to Tomek: "You know, if he wants to meet up tomorrow night, that might work out well. I have to meet up with my maid of honour for a final dress fitting and then we have to go shoe shopping. So while I'm doing that, you could chill with the best man for a while."

He thought this was a good idea, called his best man back and asked him what time he wanted to meet up. Played right into our hands!!

Friday night rolled around and Tomek was late getting home from work. I left to meet my maid of honour before him, and could only hope it would all turn out and he'd be surprised.

And he was. He got to his best man's place and they were both starving. So they went to a local hangout called the Reef that they usually go to to have mojitos. The best man had arranged for all the guys to be waiting in the pub for them.

So when Tomek walked in, he was like, "Hey, there's Bob!.... and Nick!.... and.... wait a minute..."

I wish I could have been there to see his face. He was totally caught off guard and it took him a while to process what he was seeing. The fact that the best man gave him some pot before they headed over (grr) didn't help. But he had a good time--I think they stayed out till 5 a.m. and then he crashed at his best man's place.

That night I went over to N's. She's recently married to a good friend of Tomek's who was also at the stag. We watched a movie, Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants I highly recommend it! ate Chinese food and virgin drinks, and chatted till 1 a.m. And she bought me some smokin' lingerie that Tomek highly approved of. Hehehe.



shenry said...

Awesome. I am jealous; nobody has ever thrown me a real surprise party.

moi said...

I love it!!

two surprizes in one week!!

shenry, i've never had a surprize party either. sniff.

Anonymous said...

im not big on surprises. parties at any rate. i like gifts.

and i love the tribute at the bottom of the page.

Krista said...

shen & moi: only happened this once. and that was with me insisting i didn't want one.

ghost: i like gifts too. most parties i can do w/o but this one was good because it was only 4-5 people, and all close friends and family that all got along well. and thx. I like it too. :)

Krista said...

OMFG!! I just noticed the stupid blogger cut off the part of my post where I talked about my Maid of Honour calling me to say her dad was in the hospital.




Maybe later