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Friday, January 13, 2006

More office yuck

Because I don't feel like dwelling on how stressed I'm getting. And it's not from me. Other people who are stressed out about the wedding are sticking their stress onto me and I'm getting all freaked out whereas I had been plugging along, sorting out one thing at a time, and doing a pretty good job of getting things done.

Office yuck: yesterday while leaving work

I saw JR (who, if you remember the Christmas party, asked me in front of the entire office if the baby was his) and decided to pause and say hi before I headed out the door.

JR: Hey! How are you feeling?
Phx: Pretty good thanks. How about you?
JR: Not bad. Eyes my stomach. How's my baby?


moi said...

what the fuck??

that completely crosses the line. to even suggest something like that is pretty pathetic.

a complete middle-finger situation if you ask me.

i'd tell him where to shove it. i'd be happy to write him an anonymous email direct from teedot. quelle loser.

Madamme said...

I don't know. It sounds to me like he's just trying to be funny. Not very successfully, I might add, but I can totally see the humour behind it. If it was someone you were close to, you might just laugh about it.

Anonymous said...

im with moi. dick. if someone were to say that to amy...well...

Mindy said...

I think you work with a bunch of freaks! I agree with Phoe that he probably thinks he's being funny. He should take note however that you are not doubled over in giggles and shut up.