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Monday, December 12, 2005

voice recognition

The lady at the chapel I am trying to book knows me by my voice now. But I think the chapel will finally be booked today. Whew.

I have some leads on good rooms, and my ideas for decorations are starting to come together nicely as well. Plus we will probably be able to have one of Tom's friends play the piano at the ceremony. Nice.

Things are starting to come together... or at least they seem to be. Just wait till all the teensy weensy details start surfacing.

We are getting married on Feb. 4th. My parents got married on Sept. 4th, 30 years ago. That's kinda cool.


Anonymous said...

im glad everything is starting to come together for you guys. are you still super nervous about being a mommy?

Anonymous said...

I'm with ghost, glad to hear things are starting to come together. I know how hectic it is trying to plan all that stuff, and I know how the first three months of pregnancy can be. Hang in there. And don't be nervous about the little one coming, I bet you'll be an awesome mom!!!