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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Puke & Dreams on a Saturday night

Well we started watching the pregnancy movie last night but as soon as it started I started losing my tomato soup dinner, which went down liquid, yet came up solid. So instead I went to bed. And Tom came too.

And I had so many different dreams that I actually remember. The first was where I was supposed to go down into the bowels of a police station and swipe some cocaine from a stash they confiscated. I took five little bundles, one from each bigger package. I got white powder all over my hands and wiped it all over me. I put the bundles in a bag and just as I was finished, I heard someone coming. And it turned into one of those horrid adrenaline dreams. I couldn't remember which way I came in so I ran for the nearest door. It was unlocked, then I ran up the stairs to the police parking lot where my car was parked I had left a baby in it.

My next dream was of our wedding, which was outside in the dream, and mostly it was about rings which my dad was helping me get, and I ended up with this ring with a huge sapphire and diamond in it (side-by-side going up my finger) with two more big diamonds on each side. But all the rocks were embedded in the ring and had some kind of clear cover over them so they didn't sparkle at all. Then I was standing at the end of the aisle, waiting to walk down it, but my dad wasn't with me--he was up at the front with Tom. So I motioned for him to come to where I was so he could walk me down the aisle. He jogged towards me and then kept going, down the hill to the parking lot. He got his shoes out of his car and then came back.

The third dream involved rattlesnakes. I went to a softball tournament and was driving home, but I left everyone I knew at the tournament before I asked for directions. I was driving and there was a cop in front of me driving fast and then slow and then fast and I kept coming up close behind them because they would slow down so suddenly w/o braking and I thought they would pull me over for following so close and then I could ask directions. But they didn't. So I pulled over myself and the next thing I knew, this female cop in a pick up truck was backing into some guy in a pick up truck and forcing him off the road and down into the ditch. So then lots of people stopped to see what the fuss was about and one lady was nice enough to give me directions, but then I wasn't driving my car anymore, I was driving an old office chair that tipped over and put me on my head when I tried to speed up. Then I was walking. And she kept telling me to take this highway until it passed over highway 6 which would be hard to see but that would send me back the way I was coming from and then on to where I lived. The last scene of the dream was us standing in the middle of this road I had to travel on, and it was littered with rattlesnakes and black angry clouds were hanging really low. There was nothing but flat land on either side of the very straight road, but I still felt like there was no way I was going to make it to the other end of the road. I wasn't really afraid of the snakes though.


Anonymous said...

I remember my wife had some weird dreams during her pregnancy. I think it's the hormones. She would have some of what Jay was going to look like. She would have some of her being a horrible mother and some of her being a great mother. I think it's just the nervousness of the pregnancy. Good luck with the puking. Kellie had Jay-bird almost 19 months ago and still can't stand chicken.

Anonymous said...

i love dreams. i even like the scary ones.

supertomek said...

berry psychedelic! :O