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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Making peace

I don't know what it is about today, jumping Tom this morning, telling people here I'm going to be a mom, finding out that I booked the Pres on an economy flight about which he's VERY ANGRY, or realizing that dammit I can't just shut people out.
Remember that woman that used to annoy the everything out of me, and whom I finally managed to escape eating lunch with?
I invited her to eat lunch with me today.
I have no idea. But probably it has something to do with just smoothing things over so we are friendly enough acquaintances, but not permanent lunch buddies. I don't know.
Maybe it's the knowledge that Tom finally has a non-working evening and we are going to go out and buy a Christmas tree tonight, decorate it and maybe even build our gingerbread house from last year.
Life can be sweet.


moi said...

life can be so sweet.
and soothing the water is usually a great move with women...

Anonymous said...

yes indeed. life is so good. it makes me wonder how i can stay down for so long sometimes. must be the gemini nature.