Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Here comes the sun

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun and I say...

I have way to much to do today.

I've been doing laundry since 8:00 this morning, and fiddling happily with my blog. But the reality of it all is that I have more stores to service, and we only have 6 or 7 weekends left till the wedding.

Tom left his Christmas party last night around 11:30 and told me he was taking a taxi home. He didn't sound too drunk, but definitely not safe to drive. I woke up at 2:30am and I was still alone in bed. So I called him. His phone was off. I left a message. I lay there, gradually coming wide awake, and I heard noises coming from the living room. Little snores.

I went out to the living room, and there he was, passed out safely on the futon. I gently tried to shake him awake, to make sure he was okay more than anything, and he fought off my hand like I was attacking him. I said his name, over and over and he started muttering in Polish. I repeated his name, and I could distinguish a word. It sounded like he was saying jeshensh. I had no idea what that meant, so I said, "I don't speak Polish." He kept repeating that word, and others. Then he got up from the futon and stood behind it, holding onto it. I don't know where he was. But he wasn't here. I told him it was okay and I put the futon down into bed form. He crawled onto it. I tried to undress him but he fought me off again. So I covered him with a sheet, turned out the lights and let him alone.

This morning I was emptying the pockets of his pants to wash them, and I felt a bunch of dry crumbly leafy stuff. My first instinct was to chuck it in the garbage, but I went and gently woke him up and asked him what it was. It was pot. My instict to throw it out grew stronger, but instead I shook it out onto paper towel and left it on the kitchen counter. I take satisfaction in that it's all mixed up with pocket lint.

While inquiring about the pot, I asked him what jeshensh means. It means ten.

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear


x said...

but although he was stoned, he was kind enough to sleep in the other room so as not to wake you!

Starling said...

I wonder where he thought he was..
Ten? maybe he thought you were asking how many hits he did, hahaha, just kidding.
Glad he turned up safe and sound. :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder when he decides to be a father, and a husband, and a caregiver, and puts aside his petty need for illicit drugs to complete his life. I hope he cleans his act up, in time to be a role model for a child. Do as I say, not as I do, is really a poor parenting style.