Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 01, 2005

good night

All of my days are filled with the plodding drag of meaningless, repetitive boring work with a few conversations with bitchy airline people thrown in to make it exciting....dragging my ass home and crawling into bed for half an hour, loving the horizontility of it all, the cool soft sheets, the weight of the quilts, the squoosh of the pillow as it surrenders to the weight of my aching head. Followed by twenty nine minutes of tossing and turning and adjusting my boobs which have doubled in size since ye old miracle. Gah.

I hate big boobs. Can you imagine? (that link is kinda not safe for work...) I can't stand even noticing they are there!

And I feel for Phoe when she is so tired--I'm tired all the time. I go to bed as soon after 8pm as I can. It's pathetic. I can't eat. I don't eat. I drink lots of tea and water, eat soup and crackers occasionally and feel constantly drained.

I'm going to tell my work that I am in the baby way after my ultrasound on the 14th. Then I should know for sure that everything is ok. Fingers crossed. I have no room in my head for all those dreams and aspirations and things I want to write about. All I want is sleep. Sweet sleep. Now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of ultrasounds, what are you guys hoping for. And don't give me the generic "we're just hoping it's healthy" we ALL are hoping it's healthy, but do you want a boy or a girl? Babies are so cool. My wife loved when Jay would kick and squirm. You will basically know all fo his/her's habitis, and routines by the time they arrive, babies rock!!!