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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I love technorized Beethoven

Totally amazing shit. If you can find it. Wow. Kinda like S & M (Symphony & Metallica) but better. There's one here on Tom's computer called Beethoven Virus by Banya... it's almost orgasmic.

I'm supposed to be packing to drive South for the long weekend. That's right, Friday is Remembrance Day. Tom decided last minute to come with me, so I gotta be packing all our shit because tomorrow we have to visit (ha, first I wrote fist) his parents before we drive down. Hm. That'll add at least 3 hours to our trip.Who knew boobies could do that?

I got my tranny fixed today. Transmissions suck. I have to learn to drive manual. Someday. And the guy told me my tires are bald and my timing belt needs to be changed. Sweet. Right before I go on a 1500 km trip. In the rain.

Aaaaaaaand... Tom' s working another side job--third night in a row. He starts work at 730 every day and on Monday night he didn't get home till 1 a.m. Last night was a little better: 11 p.m. But I have a feeling tonight is going to be bad.

So don't expect to hear from me this weekend. Since my fandamily don't know about this blog at all.

I was talking to my mom on the phone last night, and she says, "Your dad wants to know what you would rather have for Christmas: a new snowboard or an Ipod? I know, it's a tough choice."

Lemme think--an Ipod where I can store all the tunes my computer doesn't have the capability to download, or a new snowboard so I can rip up Kicking Horse in the week we will be there between Christmas and New Years?

Yeah baby.


Anonymous said...

IPOD.....I want one. The new IPOD Nano's are badass. They are so small, and hold so much.

Mindy said...

I'm thinking of getting the Pear an IPOD for Xmas.

Anonymous said...

ive got an ipod..and ive got a snowboard. now i dont have to choose.

moi said...

ipods are fantastic... mine travels with me wherever I go
(wasn't that a commercial or something?)

too bad they phased out the mini, I'm a fan of colour...

Krista said...

Hm.. Ipods seem to be the popular choice. I, too, have a snowboard, but I've had it for over 5 years now and I think I've out grown it. So a new snowboard it is. Besides, I'm one of those old school folk who like to buy cds for the inserts.

Starling said...

Sounds like you've made your choice..
Hope you rip it up out there!

Anonymous said...

oh yeah me too. i wont download music from the internet. i buy the cd everytime. but i loaded alot of that on to my ipod.