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Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, November 07, 2005

How nice...

Your Inner Child Is Sad

You're a very sensitive soul.
You haven't grown that thick skin that most adults have.
Easily hurt, you tend to retreat to your comfort zone.
You don't let many people in - unless you've trusted them for a long time.
How Is Your Inner Child?

I'm addicted to White Rabbit/Go Ask Alice by Jefferson Airplane. How can this song not be incredible, with her voice, the drums, guitar et al? Holy shit.

Tom's off working today, and I read an email I wasn't supposed to. Yes I hacked into his email account to get pics of his bro and new whiffy for one of Tom's friends. And I saw an email titled "CONFIDENTIAL". Yeah, coincidentally, it was about ME. Which is why he wrote "CONFIDENTIAL" in huge ass English... to deter me from reading it right? Hell almost the entire email was in english. He didn't want me to read it. He spelled my name wrong. Again and again and again.

And I realized the dude doesn't know me. Just because he's freshly married and all enlightened and in love and in everything else... I mean, I can't say anything bad about the guy, he did say at the end of the email that if he's wrong about it all he's sorry. But still...

[My wife] said you are good looking, smart,have a job, so if you dont want to marry Phx what's wrong with you? Why do you settle for an ok girl instead of searching for the perfect match? You have been dating for a long time and if you havent talked about marriage and kids you will end up like those Canadian couples that split up after dating for 6 or 8 years. What a waste of time. If you had enough of being stuck in time and want to start a real life with getting merried and having kids and Phx doesnt want that then it's time to let go. You can go to Poland with Mom and [my wife] and I'm sure [our cousin] can introduce you to some girlfriends :) It worked for [our other cousin] :) Dont delay, your life is passing you by, might as well share it with someone special not just with a girl.

Stupid quiz was right, I don't have thick skin. I can't help but feeling a little prickly about this--I've talked to Tom, and though he might be a little annoyed that I've posted part of the email here, (sorry) I had to.

His bro thinks I don't believe in God and that I don't want a family. What the hell? This guy does NOT know me. Tom hasn't responded to the email yet.

And when I mentioned to him about buying a place, he assumed I meant I'd buy it and he'd pay some rent or something.

I'm starting to wonder if we are just trotting around in circles. He said he's slowly starting to feel more confident with our situation. So I dunno what that means. But I know I feel really nauseaus right now. And I don't care if I mispelled that word, or that one.

Anyway I might was well put it out here now. If anyone wants to contact me, my MSN is canuck3232 and my aim is kurczaczek8 and my yahoo is canuck3232. Tra la la.

Well, no one told me about her
The way she lied
Well, no one told me about her
How many people cried

Well, it’s too late to say you’re sorry
How would I know, why should I care
Please don’t bother trying to find her
She’s not there...oh oh oh

Nobody told me about her
What could I do
Well, nobody told me about her
Though they all knew

Well, it’s too late to say you’re sorry
How would I know, why should I care
Please don’t bother trying to find her
She’s not there....

Well, let me tell you about the way she looked
The way she acted, the color of her hair
Her voice is soft and cool
Her eyes are clear and bright
But she’s not there...
-The Zombies


Starling said...

Wow, that guy is really just one arrogant prick from what I can see. No one should be giving someone unsolicited (bad) advice like that. Heh, you should write him back from Tom's acct..really freak him out! That would make my day, hehe :D

And I thought Tom was the one who was shying away from more commitment, ie marriage and children? Or was I wrong?

shenry said...

That Inner Child quiz must be broken... I'm a sad child, too. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm in denial about my depression. Maybe I need some drugs, like Zoloft, to stabilize my mood. Hey, Doc, I took this internet quiz and it said I have a Sad Inner Child. Can you prescribe me something?

Just curious, how does Tom feel about you hacking his email? I'd be a bit put off if Silver hacked mine, but at the same time I have nothing to hide from her... and I have given her ALL of my internet passwords as a symbolic sign of open honesty.

Tom's bro is only seeing one, limited side of the relationship. Look at how those who read your blog are prone to prejudge Tom based upon your blog. This is the flip side. Tom's bro only sees the relationship from a limited perspective, which is further filtered through Tom's outward presentation of your relationship. Plus, like you said, his mind is all gooey from being in love.

Krista said...

eveningstar--I guess it looks that way from the snippet i chose to post. he is a nice guy (not as nice as Tom)... but I just got the feeling that he felt superior to Tom in the whole "Love" thing because he just got married. And I guess I kinda resent that. and yes, i am tempted to respond directly to his bro. i dont want to make a federal case out of it and i'm sure tom does not want his bro to know i know--and that tempts me even more. i just would like him to know where it's at from my perspective.

shenry--definitely, let's break it. I think it's calling people "sad" if they like their alone time. I told Tom I went in his email to get pics of his bro and new wife for his friend. he had no problem with that. and he told me he'd thought at the time that labelling an email CONFIDENTIAL and writing it in english was not really the way to prevent me from reading it. I don't make a habit of going in to read his email--i was just going to grab the pics.

you are totally right on the perspectives being narrow. i guess i feel like his bro has never shown much interest before (and tom and i have been together almost 2 years now... his bro has known me for a while) but now because he's married he thinks he knows where it might be at with us. no way buddy.

Anonymous said...

wow..i have so much to say about this...i dont even know where to start....

Madamme said...

I would get answers from Tom. Find out for sure what he wants. Does he want to marry you? Now or eventually? Does he want kids? Now or eventually? If he doesn't have the same goals, and isn't as "in to" the relationship as you'd like him to be, then I think you have some stuff to think about. I don't think that the e-mail from his brother is about YOU, it's about what he knows of your relationship. And maybe Tom tells him more than he tells you.

I have a girlfriend who has been with a guy for 2 years, and just last night he told her that he never wants to get married again or have children, and she's just been waiting around for him to decide that he wants her. She wasted 2 years of her life because he wouldn't give her a straight answer until now. It's sad and pathetic, and there are guys out there who want her and have the same goals. Just don't be like Trista and waste your life away on someone who isn't willing to take the relationship to the heights you want it at.

moi said...

I knew one old bf's email passowrd... I think he forgot I had it because I once read some pretty heavy stuff between him and the girl he was cheating with. I didn't even know it was going on.

I hated snooping, but was glad I did.

...sounds like it was something you were meant to read too, I mean, who titles emails as 'confidential' if they're only sending to one inbox?