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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

dryer lint and those things

I found my family doctor today. She's from the same little town in Poland that Tom is from. I had to have a prenatal exam today. She stuck that cold metal duck-billed thing up my wahoo and cranked it open (complete with cranking sounds). She also told me that I have soft nipples. Why thank you. Turns out it's not a good thing. While I'm in the shower I need to rub them with a cloth or sponge or when the baby feeds my nipples are going to bleed and it will hurt. Or I could just get Tom to nibble on them more I guess--I didn't ask her that though.

Now I'm at home and Tom is away working again... he works so hard but I miss him. I know he's doing what has to be done for us, but I sit here, trying to whittle down our 200-person guest list, and I wish he was here to cuddle me.

And I'm worried about so many things, but then I realize that I have so much to do that I don't have time to be worried.

I'm not a hateful person (not really) but I can't stand it when people leave dryer lint on the dryer screen. Mind you, it does make for good fire starters.

My christmas list is crap this year. But I know my parents will be helping with wedding and baby and they are already buying me a new snowboard, so I feel bad asking for much.

I don't know if I should quit my job in the smoke hole (president chain smokes Winston cigarettes every day he is there which is almost every day) or stick it out. Bearing in mind money. Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

maybe a diffrent job? have you told the peeps at work about your little miracle?

Krista said...

Haven't told people at work--I thought I might be outta here before I started to show. But I don't know that I'd have anywhere to go back to if I tried getting hired somewhere else now.

I thought I'd be able to go snowboarding, as long as I take it easy...but I don't know for sure what I should and shouldn't do. Good point! I'll have to ask I guess.

Madamme said...

Ummm. . . I think your best bet is to keep your job, but go to labour standards and complain. It is ILLEGAL for anyone in your office to smoke INSIDE. You have a right to keep your job for your own future welfare (and your baby's) and you have the right to work in a healthy environment - One that won't harm you or your child. It is unacceptable that people smoke in your office.

1 800 663-3316 (toll-free in British Columbia) That is the number for the employment standards branch. Call them - Find out what your options are. You may have to contact Work Safe BC, but if you call that number, they should be able to give you some advice, or tell you who to contact to get results.

shenry said...

What about asking for an office with a door you can shut? Dude, an office would be sweeeeet. Your hardcore smoker boss might prefer to find you your own private office than quit smoking at his desk. Sounds win-win to me. This may work out to your benefit down the line. My friend, Robynn, has a cherry setup at her work. She has an office and her boss lets her bring her toddler to work... I'm guessing if she had a cubicle, this wouldn't fly. Of course, such a setup would never work at my job; the managers here are unaccommodating in every way.