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Monday, November 14, 2005

Comfort in numbers

I'm finding all these numbers oddly comforting today. Normally they bore me to tears. Today, they soothe me. Rows, columns of numbers, percentages, market share, plus, minus, add, find the difference, matching.
Numbers keep my thoughts at bay.


bedshaped said...

Number are just as good as anything to keep 'thoughts at bay'.

Anonymous said...

hmm. and what thoughts are you running from, friend?

shenry said...

I have days like that, when nothing sounds better than kicking back with a cup of coffee and a database full of numbers. And I also have those days when that sounds like the worst possible torture ever. I can be so moody.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's the routine you're comforted by. You miss your family, and the only thing that makes you feel close to normal is your job, whether you hate it or not. Just my random thought on it. Welcome back, by the way.

Starling said...

I do that but with words.. books are always safe for me.

I hope you're feeling happier today. :D

Krista said...

bedshaped: yes, but some things work better than others. numbers and words are best.

running... or hiding, I guess it's the same thing. We were listening to a Tom Clancy novel called "No Remorse" on the drive back home, and so many people were brutally murdered I think that's what started getting me feeling crappy, then missing my family, realizing I'd not said "I love you"... and being back here, where my life is a spinning chaos.

But I'm feeling better today--kicked back with Tom last night, made scalloped potatoes. Potatoes are THE cure for feeling crappy.

shenry--I'm exactly the same way!!

matherly- I think you are right about that.

Iri - books used to be my escape too, but lately no time. But, I do have 2 bags of books under my table that coworkers gave/loaned to me. I should pick one out. :)