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Monday, November 28, 2005

The big news

In an itty bitty post because poor ol' phx is drained and has no writing skill left--it's been sucked dry by a guest list and a resume. Ugh.

Yes, phx is attempting the following four wonders simultaneously:

-getting married in early February
-Christmas shopping
-finding a new job
-having a baby in July

Wasn't the way I planned on spilling the news, but 'tis true. Wonders are growing in my womb, Tom popped the question... he was glowing, and even more so when I said yes. :) And he could have lit up the entire neighbourhood when he found out he's going to be a daddy.

We told his folks last weekend and my folks this past weekend. His Roman Catholic parents actually took the baby news more smoothly than my parents did. All grandparents are pretty excited.

Tom actually asked my parents for my hand in marriage, and my dad's eyes welled up. Tom couldn't stop grinning the entire weekend, and my dad got the biggest kick out of that. No bf or what have you of mine has ever tried to talk to or get to know my dad. Tom is amazing. He and my dad get along well, have conversations about cars and other stuff that I am programmed to tune out, he brings my mom flowers, gives her big hugs, my brothers adore him...

life couldn't be better.

Actually, it might be if everything but Cheetos didn't make me feel like puking.


tmfrt said...

omg... congratulations!!! :D :D :D

shenry said...

Woe is you for not having anything to blog about... except... um, I dunno... being engaged and being preggers. (I'm just teasing you.)

Damn and damn. I'm grinning. I'm psyched. Congrats and congrats.

So, you're due in July? Your child will be in good company; great people were born in July. Most notably, me and Pamela Anderson.

Also, that Cheetos picture you found is amazing. I can't take my eyes off of it.

Anonymous said...

uncle ghost...has a nice ring to it.

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!!! Glad to hear about all those, but especially the baby part. I can't explain how much you're gonna love being a mom. It is awesome. Sometimes harder than you ever imagined, but even then, it is awesome. Congrats, on the wedding. And more power to Tom, I didn't ask my father-in-law's permission, and I think it is such a cool thing to do. New job? What are we looking for?

Anonymous said...

oh man, phx. . .

consider this a blogger hug.

I am SO happy for you. and hey, if you need a wedding photographer. . .:)

Anonymous said...

. . . says kat

Madamme said...

For morning sickness, try eating saltine crackers right when you wake up, and I also heard that having chilled chunk pineapple in the morning is good. . .

moi said...

that's some big news!


bedshaped said...

Wonderful news!

Madamme said...

Hey - Maybe look into the federal provisions for maternity leave before you leave your current job. I do know that you have to have worked so many hours in your current particular field in order to get maternity leave for a year. And many employers aren't going to want to hire someone who will be going on maternity leave in a few months.

If you stay in your job, you'll get 55% of your income (minus tax) for a year. So you can count on making 1/2 of what you make for one year. It's better than nothing, and then it gives you a whole year of bonding time between you and your baby.

Just be careful on the job front. I'd hate to see you end up without government assistance while you're trying to raise a new born.

Krista said...

moof: :D:D:D right back at you!

shenry: ah, good choices. you picked a great Canadian and a great American. :) Tom was also born in July. My tentative due date is July 21, but that is if i correctly remembered when my last . was...

ghost: that it does.

matherly: thanks! I think I am going to love being a mom, I just don't know about when they start to talk. lol. :) new job being out of a smokey environment... but I don't know if it's financially viable. It's really hard to choose between a smoke free environment and money we need.

kat: thanks for the hug. Too bad you are in Texas...

moi, bedshaped: thanks! yes it is. :)

Raven: SO good to hear from you again. I got your email. Thanks for keeping me filled in. I'll reply soon--(hug)

Phoe: thanks for all the advice... you are right about the work compensation. I'll have to look into that.

Mindy said...

MY GUESS WAS CORRECT!!! Congrats!! I'm so happy for you.

Phil Plasma said...

I'm a little late, but congrats on everything!!! I'm so pleased for you!!