Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, November 17, 2005


I've been laying low. Again. The sarcastic coworker got to me on Tuesday big time. I was raging, there was smoke coming out of my ears. I wanted to scream and yell and tell her she's a fucking nasty bitch who never has anything nice to say and just being in the same space as her brings me down. But instead I avoided eating lunch with her. It was tough. I mean, she sat there, down the hall, waiting to hear me enter the kitchen... waiting to hear that fridge door open, waiting to hear the microwave door open so she could corner me and I'd have to eat with her. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating, but that's what it felt like. I got so angry I absolutely refused to eat with her (in my head). I couldn't say anything to her outloud, (not yet anyway), so I tried the silent way. Usually we eat lunch around 1:00-1:30. So it was 1:00... and I was hungry, but determined to eat after she ate. 1:30. Nothing. 2:00 still nothing. 2:15, I go in the kitchen to refill my water glass and she comes around the corner as I'm leaving the kitchen.

"Are you going to eat lunch now?"


"Are you going to eat lunch later?"


Take a hint for cripes sake!!!

But she didn't. I finally snuck into the kitchen at 2:45, grabbed my salad out of the fridge, a fork, and scooted back to my desk, where I ravenously devoured the lettuce, celery and carrots. Ahhhh...

At 3:40 she finally slammed around in the kitchen and made her lunch. Whew. I didn't eat mine at all, and I had the most amazing garlic mashed potatoes that I made, and a cornish pasty for lunch. MMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm.

I had it all for dinner instead.

Today was round 2. And more shit got piled onto my already almost over-boiling ______ (insert word--I had pissedoffagedness, but I don't think that's a word). Ha.

I am working under the woman she shares an office with, and today that lady, Q, reminded me of something she wanted me to do, and then explained to me how to do it and where to get the info, etc. I have admired her for a long time at how much stuff she remembers, and all these little details about currencies and little exceptions to each customer... but I rarely say anything because she kinda bugs me at the same time--like leaving time-delay farts on my chair.


When she told me what to do, I said to her, "wow you must have a wicked filing system in your head". She smiled and said, "Yup".

I walked out of her office, feeling good, like I'd just received a compliment. As I left, the bitch piped up from her corner and said....



I was boiling mad. I steamed down the hall back to my office, and the lady who worked in the office across the hall from me walked in right after me. I looked at her and said, "I'm going to scream."

She looked surprised and asked me what was going on. So in whispers (the walls in our entire office are 10 feet high, but the ceiling is at least 20 feet high), I told her and the lady in my office what happened.

They told me to go outside and get some fresh air, take some deep breaths.

And I did.

And when it was around lunch time and the bitch emailed me and asked me "did you bring a lunch today?" i replied "yeah but i'm going to eat later so you might as well go ahead" and she said "k".

Phx: 2 ^$#^#$^$#^$: 0

Stay tuned: tomorrow is round 3.


Anonymous said...

I HAVE to ask what a time delay fart is. For some reason, it stuck in my mind. It sounds very interesting. To show you I actually paid attention to the rest, I'll ask.....Does noone else notice the comments the "bitch" makes? Like when she said whatever, didn't the other lady hear it? And why the hell did she adopt you as her lunch buddy. You should try to find another lunch buddy.

Starling said...

yeah, what matherly said. but not about the fart thing. lol.
yeah, get new eating buddies. prefferably the arch enemies of Bitchzilla the Uber-Bitch.

Anonymous said...

whats this evil ladies email address?

shenry said...

Lame. People like that aren’t worth the carbon they're made of. Bitchzilla has issues... probably low self-esteem coupled with sexual repression. Have you tried googling her? Maybe you can find her psych report online, or her criminal record, or something. Anything that can be considered leverage.

Krista said...

matherly--i think a time-delay fart is one which is released, but the smell doesn't kick in until a few moments later, like after the farter has left my chair. She's also remarkably good at the lingerburgers... you know, they hang around forEVER.

Star: Yeah... but only one other lady eats out of her office at lunch, and she eats around the same time uber-bitch wants to eat. So if i timed my eating with her, then at least i'd have her company, but inevitably i'd have unwanted company at the same time.

ghost--ohh... so tempting...

shenry: You got her spot on I think, with the low self-esteem and sexual repression. All she can talk about is herself and this guy she's been chasing for 6 years--she talks about him as much as she talks about her self. He bangs her once a year. He sounds like a total twat. So maybe they will be good for each other.

::beginning internet search::

oh, by the way, she called me last night (i didn't pick up) and left a message saying that she bought a hamster. I. Don't. Care. Leave. Me. Alone. Please.

Gah. At least it's friday. But I think the next time I compliment Q and SHE says something nasty, I'm going to say something to her.... not too nasty, just like "would it kill you to say something sincerely nice to someone? I think it would"

Anonymous said...

heres a thought. and its pretty much how i operate. seems to work for me. next time she asks you to lunch say no. if she prys or asks why, well then theres a splendid opportunity to tell her everything youve told us. you can even be nice about it. youre a grown woman and do not have to abide idiocy. its your choice not to be around somone who is xonstantly bringing you down, and you DO NOT have to hide your feelings on the matter.

my two cents.