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Friday, November 25, 2005

Always the same

Middle school, high school, college, work, nothing changes. Women will always be the same. The rotten ones are always rotten, the games, the lies, the smirks, the looks. There is no loyalty, no trust, just games and deceit to become the better-liked.
Phuq you and your games. Both of you. I see through it. I see through you and your sad little life, sitting at home alone waiting for some guy to come for his once a year booty call, waiting for a guy who avoids you for six years, has you so desperate for him that you have to relate all conversations to anyone who will listen. Just like in grade 6.
And you. You can't stand her, yet you can't stand up to her and tell her to bugger off. Oh it was nice to hear when I did it, but you don't have the guts, the courage, or the will. She's a bully. Always has been always will be. She'll parade you in front of me, ooooh look now you are friends again. How nice.
Sometimes I hate women. I saw this game being played out, felt it, felt I was just one move on the board, she put me in a spot, lined me up, then I wouldn't take it anymore so she moved back to the woman she called me and cried to me about, because the woman was so cruel to her.
She's trying to cycle through us. Power. Control. Phuq you. You are nowhere.


iTWiTiS said...

Are the flakes floating down from your Canadian skies? we're covered for the first time this year. it sounds like you're spinning in angst again. i wish you peace. i have found much since we once chatted. i blow good wishes your way... feel the minnesotan breeze? that is from my cheeks to yours.

yi lu ping on.


bedshaped said...

Girls playing mind games....?
Nah, surely not!

Mindy said...

I really don't know why women aren't nicer to each other. I have always said that women are very hard to work with and that I would prefer to work with men. I have made some very good female friends in the workplace but more often than not other women are just a source of irritation. Are women still so insecure that they stoop to petty and catty behavior? I don't know the reason behind it. But its sad.

Anonymous said...

incubus said it best..."highschool nevert ends.."