Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, October 21, 2005


Today I feel like everything is possible. It's a good feeling. I'm unstoppable, unconquerable, unsupressable. I'm flying too high to be grounded. And I'm more in love than I ever thought possible.


Mindy said...

You go girl!!!

Anonymous said...

so not so much screaming in silence?

shenry said...

It's like you grabbed one of those bouncy stars on Super Mario and all the sudden you get the hyper-invincibility music. ...I can hear it in my head right now.

Phil Plasma said...

I know I'm a day late, but maybe it is time to propose...

Krista said...

No not so much screaming in silence... and i definitely have been feeling like I have a bouncy star, ever since spending 2 weekends ago with Tom.

Phil: I dunno... I've had dreams since I was little about the guy doing that stuff. I wouldn't want him to get teased because I proposed instead of him, etc.