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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A thought

I don't think anything is more draining than having to be around someone who only has two types of things to say:

a) something nasty about every individual they are in contact with
b) something pompous about how much bigger, better, stronger, nicer, faster they or their possessions are than everyone or everyone else's.

My heartbeat actually increases everytime something nasty comes out of her mouth, to the point where I just want to tell her, in front of everyone else what a negative nasty bitch she is. Everyone can see through her high-pitched niceties. They know that as soon as they turn their backs, the venom will flow.

And I feel that if I don't let the anger out soon, I will slip into grief instead, and the next thing she says will start my tears flowing.

3:26 p.m.
Case in point:

Email from her: "Why doesn't she just publish a book?"
Me: "who"
Her: "R about the new house and shit, she tells everyone. She should just publish a book."

Me thinking: The woman just bought a house. Personally, I'm happy for her, and I like hearing the details of what it looks like, what amenities it has.

I did not respond to her email.

And she thinks she's the most positive person she knows; the hypocrisy of it all!


Phil Plasma said...

If this is the same woman who you keep complaining about in many of your posts, maybe it is time to hire someone like the John Cusack character in Gross Pointe Blank.

Krista said...

Hey! Phil! Yes... I think I'll have to hire Tom to break her knees.

Mindy said...

I think misery loves company and some people can't stand others to be happy. It reminds me of a woman my friend Michelle is now working with who actually told her "I am the nicest person I ever met." Who the hell says that???

Anonymous said...

co workers. cant live with em. cant cook em in a wok.