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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Ow-loween weekend

Ouch. Ow. Ooh. Damn. Shit. Eek. Urg. $@#$@!!

That's what comes out of my mouth each time I have to use my legs. At this moment, even after a hot bath, they are seizing up. I'm ready for bed, but I'm dreading going to bed because I hate to think how I'm going to feel when I wake up.

I played in a huge softball tourney this weekend:

Saturday: 10:30-7:00 4 games of softball with 2 breaks. I played all four games, 3 in left field, 1 at first base. I ran my little ass off.
Got home at 8:00, had a bath and shower, dried my hair and was in bed by 8:45.

Sunday: 9:30-6:30 3 games of softball with 2 breaks. Some long as waits. And we played in the rain so my feet were SOAKED the entire time. Fortunately I wore my waterproof kayaking pants! Had some nice hits and played well in the outfield.

It was a coed tourney so each time the batter changed from male to female I was either running forward or backward 30 or so feet. Then I had to run in when the inning ended, and run around the bases for a chick who was injured and then run again when I was up to bat.

But it was the most fun I've had in ages--a great great team. We won our first 2 on Saturday, got creamed the third and fourth, then won our first 2 today to take us all the way to the finals for our division. We lost the final, but it went 9 innings instead of 7, so that was fun.

And the chick I have trouble with at work is the one I usually play with on teams, but she was gone for the weekend so I finally to to just PLAY, and it was awesome.

But now I'm very sore and want to go to bed. As soon as I can get out of this msn conversation with my ex....

yeah. im single and just want someone that i can be in love with and all.
still kick myself in the ass for how i treated you cause i was scared
hey don't kick yourself. it was just bad timing for everything, you know?
i know but i do regret it
since you i havent found someone to match you anywere near
aww ...but you were in love with suzie q...
yeah but you were in my mind the closest i have come ro being with the perfect match
suzie q was great too but there was alot that wasnt there even though i was in love with her
ohh... well i didnt know any of that at the time--and we were together... 3 mos?
yeah about that. but it doesnt matter now cause there is nothing i can do about it
i just didn't know... you know?
I told you before about this
you told me you regreted that it ended like it did...
yeah ok. sorry. i just don't know whta i should say
its ok, nothing that can be done now. its one of those life fuck ups i guess
i dunno--we didn't have that long together, and we were both just fresh out of engagements.


Anonymous said...

Some of the best things that happen to you, are the things that didn't happen, you know?

Starling said...

..I feel so uncomfortable for you.

I'm with Matherly.

Anonymous said...

i dont speak to any of my exes with the exception of my ex wife, and that only because of our daughter. i dont know. i feel like they are exes for a reason so i cut all ties and go. i dont understand why other people seem to stay in contact with theirs. seems to me it would be way to easy to start second guessing the decisions youve made about your present and your future. emotional affairs or whatever. i dont think its fair to whoever im with at present, you know. like they are competing with the memories of what were or the abstract ideals of what could have been.

Krista said...

Matherly: so true. And exactly the case with this fellow.

Iri: yeah, this resurfaces every once in a while, and i just kinda wade through it because there is NO way I'd ever be with him again, and i know that--but I dont mind talking about cars with him.

Ghost: I don't talk to most of my exes, but I do talk to this one mainly because we are both into cars. I don't second guess myself with this guy--I remember what headspace I was in when I was with him, it was not a good one. I didn't care who I was with, I just didn't want to be alone. And its weird how he comes back with stuff like this now; he never expressed any of it at the time--he treated me like little more than a booty call really. Other than that I met his parents and they really liked me. Live and learn. And stay with the one you love.