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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Looking at the other side

I don’t think many of you know this, but Tom does have a blog. He currently posts infrequently, but when he does post, I’m often blown away by his insightful inquisitiveness (making note of phrase for secret project with shenry).

I have a link to him on the left, titled “In my heart”. It’s the photo of.. well, my chest. Which is where my heart is physically. Ha. Anyway, the photo is fitting for three reasons: a) he is in my heart, always b) he loves beer and one of those bottles we are toasting with is his c) he bought me that shirt.

I invite you to check his blog out—and get a glimps of just who exactly I’ve tumbled head over heels in love with.


Anonymous said...

its strange to me that when i first strted reading your words, you and hewere at odds about his use of the herb. in my head, i guess i formed an opnion of him. nothing specific, and not that i know him at all, but it was a negative opinion for no other reason than his use of the herb was causing you pain. ill admit, its been a little difficult for me to get pastr that initial feeling. though i did send some time yesterday reading his words. and youre right. he is funny and inquisitive in an understated way. im happy for the two of you.

Starling said...

I felt the same way as Ghost..Just kind of bothered by him cos of what he was putting you through. I'm curious to find out what he'd like though. I don't have time now but I'll read it as soon as I do!
(Is that pic of you btw?'s very cute.)

Krista said...

I did go through a really rough time with him on the subject of drugs. It's still not completely resolved, but I can see we are making steps forward, and he's completely cut back on pot--I didn't want to give an inch on something I am so passionately against, but I had a lot of serious talks with myself about if it was worth it to lose all that was great about him because of drugs. And I dont want drugs to have that kind of impact on any part of my life. I know it's not really the drugs, it's his habit, but things are changing, and it's definitely good right now.

Ghost-thank you. for all that you've said. think it takes some kind of special person to comment as you did.

Iri- (can i still call you that, by the way?... or should I call you Eve? :) yes, both those pics are of me. links to my poetry, and Tom's site.