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Monday, October 24, 2005

Feeling an urge to move?

If you've ever felt the need to move blogs, either because your loved ones are reading it and you aren't comfortable with that, or nasty people are reading it, you should know this:

It's not necessary to start all over again. If you sign in to blogger, and then click on Settings -->Publishing you can change the URL that your blog is posted to. No starting over from scratch; just a new address.

I wish I'd known about this when I started over; my last blog started when I met Tom... it's full of wonderful memories of him, as well as memories of the shit I went through before I graduated. Maybe I'll link to it from here eventually.


Starling said...

I saw that in there but I don't know if I'd trust it.. I mean if your name and pic and everything stay the same than you'd think they'd still find you.

Anonymous said...

so is someone nasty reading this?

Krista said...

EveningStar: Oh, well you can pick the blogs that appear on your profile, too, so you can just have that blog not appear, then there is really no other way to find the blog connected to that login name.

Ghost: no some nasty people were reading my old one which is why I moved. They weren't leaving nasty comments, but I could feel them scrutinizing and waiting for me to write something that they could use against me. Pretty messed up.

Anonymous said...

yeah i dont say half the things i think on mine because it is read by students and im sure at some point it would bite me back.