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Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, October 22, 2005

20 random things

Bedshaped tagged me a while back, saying "I don't hold much hope." Here it is! Here it is!

1. Whiskey is my hard liquor of choice.
2. I dropped out of high school.
3. I finished 4 years of college and my GPA after the first 2 years was 3.93.
4. My last big purchase was an electric drum set.
5. I feel very lucky to have the body I have.
6. I actively protest against psychiatry.
7. I have a stamp collection and about 3,000 stamps.
8. I now live approximately 5000 miles from where I was born.
9. I have only had long-lasting love for 2 guys (and Tom is one of them).
10. I don't like it when people say stuff like "My life is in God's hands", etc. because I am a firm believer that we are in control of ourselves, our lives and our destiny.
11. I do not pluck or shape my eyebrows.
12. A teacher at my high school saw my mom once and immediately knew she was my mom because we have the same smile; the majority of the compliments I get are on my smile.
13. I need braces.
14. I am perpetually underweight.
15. When I snowboard is the only time I feel totally free and at peace.
16. The only cars I've owned have been Jettas ('89, '02).
17. I recently found out that my grandmother did not die from cancer as I was told, but because her liver failed from alcoholism.
18. Even though my mom's dad died when she was 6, I've always felt a strong connection to him; I think it's because I have a picture of him when he was on his college basketball team (I was good at basketball in high school).
19. My first, middle and last name each have 6 letters.
20. I still sleep with my baby blanket.

p.s I guess I have to tag some people: Moofruot, Mindy & Matherly.


Anonymous said...

Whiskey..... ::shudders::.....bad experience. You ever notice if you have one really bad time with a certain alcohol, it ruins you for ever on that type? Most peoples is Tequila. Electric drum set huh? #2 was the most suprising to me, don't know why, but I would ahve NEVER guessed that. Just a random thought.

bedshaped said...

Can we see this smile so many people complement you on?

Krista said...

Matherly: After I left high school, I went to LA and took an exam that was like a GED but it gave me an "official " highschool diploma. I guess the test I took was equal to that of the final grade 12 exams. And I passed. So I do have a hs diploma, I just didn't go all the way through--but then I was at a high-end private school, and by the time I was nearly done their equivalent of grade 10, I had enough knowledge to pass grade 12 public school finals. Kinda weird, and a pain when I'm filling out forms and it asks which hs I graduated from and my gpa.

Bedshaped: Erm. I don't know that I'll ever post a full facial shot on here--but I can email you.

Anonymous said...

"When I snowboard is the only time I feel totally free and at peace."

i feel the same way. i feel like this during sex too. sex and snowboarding.nothing better.

Anonymous said...

also, since a brother cant get a tag, ill just have to take it upon myself to do it anyway.

bedshaped said...

Who said anything about a full facial shot?
I wasn't trying to be clever or pushy, I just wondered if you would be willing to share something that other people had complimented you so much on.

Krista said...

bedshaped: huh? this must be one of those lost in translation moments. check your email.