Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

16-year-old bros are great

Instant messenger conversation:

Phx: if i ask you about something can you keep it hush hush?

Bean: yeh

Phx: how would you feel about me and tom getting married? we aren't engaged or anything, but i've been thinking about it a lot....

Bean: DO IT!

Phx: do what?

Bean: uh....get married?

Phx: you like the idea then?

Bean: yeah

Phx: can i ask why? i'm just curious how you see us...

Bean: Tom seems to treat you well, he seems nice, not any anti(religious) shit, you guys seem happy, he seems to really cares about you....

Phx: all very true

Phx: thx bean

Bean: No prob

Bean: that will be $180

Bean: for being a consultant

Phx: ha! [sticks tongue out]

Bean: oh shit, im yur bro

Bean: damn

Phx: i can give you a hug

Bean: [sends hug]

Bean: beat u!


Justin Kreutzmann said...

so much for private messages!

JaG said...

That's too sweet!

Mindy said...

I knew there was a reason I always wanted a brother.

Anonymous said...

i had one once. but now hes 27 and we get along much much better.

Anonymous said...

I always wanted a brother.......never got one. Probably would have eaten into my christmas gift stash I got every year.

tmfrt said...


I love (my) brothers... :) :) :)

That's so sweet..